PLL Prediction

    PREDICTION: I think Melissa is 'A'

    Background Information-
    Five best friends are reunited, when they begin receiving messages from a mysterious 'A'. And in these messages are secrets that only the late Ally knew. They begin to have many hunches as to whom 'A' is.  (Hanna=bulimic, Emily=lesbian, Aria=secret keeper

    Why is Melissa 'A'?-
  1. Competitive with her sister, Spencer, because of her many friends
  2. Jealous of Ally and her control over Spencer, and that Spencer doesn’t compete with Ally like she does her
  3. Easy spying on the other girls, because she let them use her barn for sleepovers
  4. No one else was outside with Ally, or at least no one in the group which includes; Emily, Hanna, Spencer, and Aria

  5. Similar Story Structure-
    Because just like Spencer, the step-mother is jealous of Cinderella and will go to any cost to have Cinderella suffer (although she doesn’t go to murdering her, she makes her life torture, similar to what 'A' is doing to Emily, Aria, Spencer, and Hanna)


    Spencer knocked on Melissa's new town-house door, half regretting what she was about to say. Although, before she could change her mind and bolt down the street, Melissa opened the door.

    "Oh, hey Spencer. Good to see you. What's up?"

    Spencer took a few seconds to collect her thoughts. How could she accuse her sister of being a stalker? Spencer had made-out with her sister's previous boyfriend. After she had stolen her old essay.
    "Um, are you 'A'?" Spencer said softly, looking around her sisters house, while remaining seated of course.

    Melissa didn’t answer. She stood up, and walked to the kitchen. Spencer followed her, wanting to find the truth. But all she found was a knife through her brain.

    Melissa dragged her sister's body into the backyard, and buried her, just like she had done to Ally many years ago. She had always been jealous of Ally. After all, Ally had real friends, something she never really knew. And being able to listen to sleepover conversations in the barn was a plus. The girls just made it too easy. Ally even left her journal in the barn, after the Jenna Incident. Spencer was dead. Ally was dead. And Hanna was next.

    Try a burger Hanna. Spencer would want you to keep it in your stomach though. Too bad she's dead. Continue puking, and see what happens. -A

    And Melissa hit send.

    You would have loved to kiss Spencer, wouldn’t you have Em? Haha, too bad you missed your chance. -A

    And Melissa hit send.

    Aria… Your moms mad. Your dad is bad. And Spencer was jealous of you… Good thing she's gone. -A

    And she hit send one final time.

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