Thursday, October 13, 2011

I Am Proud of My Country

Authors Note-- This essay had the topic, Are you proud of your country. I also have an opportunity to submit it in a contest. I don't  know if I want to enter it or not. Please let me know what you think after you've read my essay.
A flag waving in the wind, welcoming all who come, the innocence of the nature, around the states. I am very proud of my country. We are very privileged and often take things for granted, meanwhile other counties, such as Haiti, have so little. Americans need to realize how much we have and what we can offer the world. Our best country in the world because when you look around America there’s always something I can be proud of: beauty, freedom, or and every day privileges.
When I look at the mountains, I see beauty. And the forest provides the same sensation. Most countries do not have the chance to see this beauty. The either live in hot, cold or in-between climates. They don’t have the chance to travel to other climates. Therefore, I am proud that America has such a variety of landforms and that I have a chance to see them all. Although there’s more to be proud of than just what I see.
Another thing I am proud of is all the rights American citizens have. We can say what we believe; practice whatever religion we would like to. The feeling of waking up and getting to be myself, is amazing. Other country’s citizens live their whole life not stating what they believe because they’d get arrested, take some Middle Eastern countries ruled my dictators. I’m so appreciative of what rights I have, and every day I live.
I am proud that I live in a house with electricity, running water, and cooking appliances. My family and I are lucky to have so much, especially when there are homeless people in our country and in other countries too. I know that being homeless is not something to be proud of. But I am proud of all the people who assist the less fortunate. Americans have compassion, which is hard to find in difficult times. If every country did this our world would be harmonic. It’s not realistic, yet it is a dream I have.
Of course some people would argue that America has too many problems, and cannot see past them, to dream. I disagree with that statement completely. Every country has issues but it doesn’t really matter. What matters is how the country plans to solve these problems. And America solves its problems with wits and compassion towards others. Therefore I am proud of my country and proud to be an American.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Wild Fires

Authors Note-- This is my first essay that I got to choose my topic, I decided to write about wildfires because they have been a problem for a while. I hope you get a better understanding about preventing these tragedies.

One afternoon , a boy found some matches. He had decided to try to make a fire, like the wilderness people on TV. He was nervous yet excited because he had never lit a match before, it was a experience the boy was dying to explore. Although, his fire didn't turn out like the movies because in the process of making his fire something went wrong. The brush burnt into flames and spread for miles. From this boy, we have an example to live by. Listen to Smokey Bear, he knows what he's talking about; wild fires can be caused by humans and we can do a lot to prevent them.
Many kids, like the exampled boy, enjoy acting older and experiencing new things.A kid messing around with matches is a common way wildfires start and a common situation. To prevent this, parents need to tell their kids not to play with matches. This sounds like common sense but many adults don't take the time to do so. Even though kids can start wildfires, adults can too.
Dropping a cigarette, what could it possibly do? When people decide to not properly dispose of their cigarette it’s because they are to busy to realize what damage could it do. There’s a few ways to prevent this from happening. Companies and restaurants can have ash trays around common smoking areas.Even you can help by confronting the littering person. Most fires are started by humans but some aren’t but we can still help in that area.
Some wildfires start because there’s no rain and the sun is beating down on the earth, taunting it to burst into flames. It's that simple combination that starts a wildfire. Even something as simple as a lightning storm could start a fire. Either way, if you see something burning, report it. Reporting any sign of fires will save your community lots of trouble. Surprisingly, many people don't turn in the fires that they see, making them become a criminal and the fire become innocent.
Preventing wildfires can be easy if everyone does their part. Unfortunately there are carless people in the world, who could care less about the environment. Therefore, if you care about the environment and want to prevent wildfires, you have to do your part because preventing wildfires is easy if everyone works together. You're part can be informing a child, confronting an adult, and turning in the fires; all the things the Smokey Bear tells us.