Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Things of the Past and the Present

Author's Note- I'm not going to lie, I struggled with this book analysis. Over the coarse of three weeks, I have written three different versions. Thankfully, I had peers and teachers to help me focus on a good topic and work towards some of my writing goals. For this piece I mainly focused on my vocabulary and conclusion. After focuses on those things I began analyze things such as; stereo-typing, gender discrimination, and racism. Hopefully, this piece allows you to remember the amazing things America has and the people who have worked to maintain this outstanding country.

The United States is a wonderful place. We have freedom to be whatever we want no matter what gender or racial backround. Although, America has not always been this lucky. Kathryn Stockett, author of The Help, has captured the time before we were so privileged in America. This time was 1962, at time of racial and gender unfairness. Even though this novel reveals the truth of the past, it shines a light on the present, provoking the reader to think of the changes that have been made and who was brave enough to stop the horrors we are dealing with. Things such as; most stereo-types, most racism and most of gender discrimination.

In The Help, Skeeter, one of the three fictional women, was working towards getting a job in the local newspaper. Since she was a young woman, they at first rejected her. After some convincing, they gave her the housekeeping column. Women’s rights activists such as Susan B. Anthony and many before her have been working to prevent gender discrimination since 1848. Some other jobs women have struggled to get hired for, back then and still today, include; jobs in government, and many other high rated jobs. Yet, in 1962 up to today, many women still struggle to attain meaningful jobs which involve an authority role. Even so, women have struggled, and are currently struggling, many other issues have occurred in the United States.

Another issue, in The Help, is the stereo-typing of other races. Miss Hilly, a character in this book, is stereo-typing all African Americans. In 1962, many white employers forced their help to use separate bathrooms, even though these working women have cleaned their employer’s house for years. This was done because; people stereo-typed African Americans as “dirty” and “diseased”.  People like Martian Luther King Jr., have worked to prevent those racial actions. Stereo-typical actions and racial actions go hand and hand.

Racism is a terrible thing; a belief that one race is superior to another. It occurred in this book, and is occurring now, unfortunately. A lot of people in the United States still think things like, anyone from a Hispanic culture is involved with drugs or All African Americans are “ghetto”. None of these statements are true. Stereo-typing people and racism go hand and hand, and also have something to do with gender discrimination. Therefore, America needs to remember their role models.

In modern America, we salute all our heroes. Thanking them for standing up for others, and stopping racism, gender discrimination, and stereo-typing. This being so, there are still some of these actions occurring. To stop these actions it takes bravery from everyone. People like, Martin Luther King, Susan B. Anthony, and Kathryn Stockett, for allowing her novel to reach out to others, and not being afraid to write about difficult subjects.