Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Rough Vouge

Author's Note: For my third piece, I chose to write a poem. Even though I am not a poet, this piece should symbolize the hard choices and the temptations that we face in life. I really tried to have a conclusion, although it was difficult referring to a thesis. Hopefully, you see a good conclusion, that suits the poem.

Sailing through rocky waters
So numb they almost sting
Which way to go
Is there land ahead
I am lost
Hoping to find my way
In this huge sea
With good fish and bad fish
Which one will I be
There are rocky waters up ahead
But soon follows land
Will I be a shell that's cracked
Or a dolphin swimming freely
Sailing through these water
Learning things and finding my way
Through an array of troubles
I will fight the sting and remain uncracked.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Good Bye

Author's Note- When I found this picture, thoughts popped in to my head immediately. I have really struggled with this  "creative piece", that I am required to write. I am really proud myself for persevering through this difficult writing process. Hopefully in this piece I have a really good paragraph transitions and an advanced conclusion.

It was the year after my mother died in a car accident and the year after my father left me. Now I am living with her grandma; both of us mourning, and praying somehow we could change the previous year's events.

Today is the anniversary of my mother's death, I walked down to the beach; clutching her old teddy bear. It is such a ratty old bear, but it still remains special to me because it had belonged to my mom. It's was the only piece she had of her, and yet on that gray, misty day I did the unexpected.

I always had Teddy with me, when I got home her grandma was puzzled.

"Hey Tessie, where's Teddy?" she asked.

"Somewhere in the world. We'll be together though, eventually" I answered.

"What do you mean?"

"When I die, I will see Teddy again. We'll embrace each other, and never let go." Tessa responded half crying.

All My Life

Author's Note- FYI, this is a writing circle piece and I am sorry it's late. Anyways, the topic that I had to write about is life. Having chosen this, with the help of my writing circle, the possibilities of ways to go were endless. I also worked on my word choice and transitions between paragraphs. Even though that's usually what I work on, I hope you see improvement in each piece. I also hope you take something away from this piece.

Life; the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter. This being so I believe that life is more than just a distinguisher, it's about why we are here and what we can offer to the world.

A lot of  people take life for granted, and offer nothing to the world; much else their community. It saddens me when I see someone, who is well-off, be selfish. I mean, my family and I aren't rich yet we aren't poor. Although, we donate to the church generously and help out neighbors. It doesn't matter how big your actions are, it matters why and how you preform them. But why are we here?

I'm know that there are many different theories to the question; why are we here? Although, I don't know the answer. And no one will until they join their Creator. Even so, what really matters is how you act.